Some of Me

Monday, January 30, 2006

I knew there was a reason

Before I had Isaiah a very good friend of mine gave me a list of advice for new mothers. On the list was the suggestion to bring an extra shirt for myself in the diaper bag. Since my diaper bag isn't that big and Isaiah doesn't spit up much, I ignored this little pearl of wisdom. For shame. Today I realized that I had forgotten to put breast pads in my bra. For a nursing mother, that is a big mistake. I was OK though, so I figured I would just buy some more at the next stop. Unfortunately, I thought about nursing Isaiah before that, and like magic my shirt was suddenly wet. I couldn't imagine going anywhere like that, so I made Chris go to Old Navy and buy me another shirt while I nursed Isaiah to relieve some of the pressure. Ahhh... the joys of motherhood!

Friday, January 27, 2006

the beginning

Well, I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. Hopefully this can be a record of my baby's first year and beyond.